Learn to manage your career by making good choices to ensure you still are valuable and relevant as your career progresses. It is important to focus on your fundamental skills, but you must also develop new abilities that will help extend your career. Learn to reinvent yourself as you grow. Keep promoting the "new and improved" you. By planning a well-designed career path, you won’t need to rely on luck to be successful.
You must become keenly aware of the things you need to do to keep your star shining in your career. Don’t become passive and complacent thinking that everything will be OK, because things change. If you stop learning and managing your career things will not be OK. Staying the same will cause your career to hit a dead end, and the last thing you want to say to yourself is "I Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda."
Many people believe their company will take care of them as they mature. The last few years of downsizing should have exposed that misconception. But some tenaciously cling to "It won't happen to me." If you want to remain valuable, you can’t afford to be lazy. There's neither room nor hope for the lazy in a rapidly changing business world.
This article is for people who want to learn how to achieve a respected and valued personal brand. Here are seven tips you can use to establish a powerful career brand.
Start keeping a personal brand diary to map out and review your strategy. Keep track of your plans, thoughts, and notes weekly. At the end of each a quarter, evaluate your progress.
Establish two to four things you want to be known for in the business community. Now, what's required from you to own these items.
Get involved in two challenging projects, either at work or a volunteer project. List the things that you find most challenging about the projects.
Think of four things you’ve learned in the last 90 days. It could be new information about the world, your industry, or yourself.
List three to five things you can do to increase your visibility (locally, regionally, or nationally).
Add three to five new names to your contact list. Note two things you can do to cultivate and nurture these relationships.
Revise your resume three times a year. Add the appropriate items from your quarterly reviews. Your resume should never be more than 90 days old. Doing consistent revisions will keep your resume fresh and you prepared for any new opportunity.
Remember, it’s important to keep growing, stay fresh, expand your scope, and be known for your value.
You may enjoy this article also. http://bit.ly/BrandMindSet
DaMar Staffing believes everyone has a right to grow professionally to improve his or her life. DaMar helps people by making new connections. Our team has a passion to serve. We do this by matching great people with great companies. DaMar Staffing Solutions is a small staffing agency specializing in finding unique individuals and passive candidates for both temporary and permanent needs. Through a diverse network of contacts, the DaMar Staffing recruiting team can find the perfect job match quickly.